Radiation therapy
Therapeutic radiology:
Therapeutic radiation is X-rays, a spectrum of electromagnetic energy. They are given in high and intense doses and energies that become destructive to their target, and these doses are often not given at one time for reasons that include: alleviating the symptoms of treatment, leaving a chance for healthy tissues to recover, as the recovery system of cancer cells is often damaged and not like healthy tissues: Relieving the symptoms of the treatment, leaving a chance for healthy tissues to recover, as the recovery system for cancer cells is often damaged and not the same as healthy tissues.
It is customary to distribute radiation therapy doses on a daily basis, five days a week during working days. Another type of doses are intensive for a small volume of affected tissue, so the sessions are shortened to 1-5 sessions, which is called radiosurgery or intensive radiotherapy
Is radiation therapy painful?
Painless, no heat, no burning, and no laser are all misconceptions about radiation therapy.
You can get more information by speaking with BaTiK X AI, a personalized AI radiation therapy educator with a wealth of trusted information from industry experts (BaTiK X AI).
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